
Customer Testimonials

We've worked with multi-national corporations but most of our customers are small privately owned businesses who require cloud enablement. Read our customer testimonials to see how much they love our product and our service....

"I cannot imagine how we muddled through without Blue Box... I have never seen versatile software like this."

I never had the time to thank you guys properly, Firstly if I look back prior to November 2014 I cannot imagine how we muddled through without Blue Box, I can honestly say that we have, for the first time, an accounting, costing, CRM and Sales system all in one. Prior to the installation I was extremely sceptical due to the fact that I have worked for before and were part of the development and product testing, as mentioned in some of our meetings, I have never seen versatile software like this; you always have either a weak accounting system with a strong CRM or the other way around, and most of the time you cannot change the dynamics of the software, here we have the best of both, if I look back at the items that stand out: Time Card Capturing · Raw Materials / Linked to Sales Order · Project Costing · Conversion of Quotes to Sales Orders · Lead Management · User Friendly · Cloud Bases · Unlimited Users · Development Cost If I look at the development cost over the last couple of months I can honestly say that the Bluebox team and support is real value for money, we have not just build a rock solid system but also a relationship that grows from strength to strength, all the staff have the confidence to phone Malcom and he has the patience to assist every user, I said to him yesterday I am going to build an office for him at Thermowise. Carl, Malcom, WELL DONE!

- ThermoWise


"We are very pleased with the BB system ... and all of us at TMD would thoroughly recommend it."

Taylor Made Designs supply branded clothing / uniforms and promotional products to multi-site organisations all over the UK and now parts of the EU. Before we met Paul and Michelle and the Blue Box (BB) team we were working with Sage line 50 for accounts and order processing, and Magento for the web stores to take the orders. This system was very slow and disjointed and was hindering our growth. The two main reasons were because we were working with two systems and that Sage is an accounts system, not an order processing system. So it kept crashing. We had looked at several other software systems that would have done the job for us but they were expensive and not bespoke for our needs. When we met Paul BB he demonstrated the BB system and we were very impressed with what the system could potentially do for us. Since then Paul and the team have worked with us to tweak and develop BB into almost our own bespoke system. The first few weeks were scary and placed us in a state of disarray, but once we all started getting used to the system things settled down quickly, and that is when we all realised how powerful the software was and how much of a transformation it was going to have on our business. Under Paul & Michelle’s supervision we worked with the new system for about 4 weeks to get used to it. Then we started to say to the BB team, can you make it do this ? can you make it do that ? and the answer was usually ‘yes’. We had a lot of communication with Paul and Michelle in the first six months to get the system working for us. We had regular on site meetings to discuss and resolve questions and issues. Now we are nearly a year on and we are used to the system we are very happy with it. It has made a big difference to the running and efficiency of the whole business. The web stores are quick and easy to create and manage. The customers find them easier to use. Because the system holds so much data and information, our accounts department are able to see everything they need to see on their screen at any time. We have been able to streamline all our internal procedures to the point that we have recently taken on 2 new contracts and not have to take on any more office staff. We are very pleased with the BB system and what Paul and Michelle have done for us and all of us at TMD would thoroughly recommend it.

- Taylor Made Designs

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